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What Are The Best Worksite Benefits for Group Health Insurance Policies?

Satisfied employees

Have you ever wondered what it takes to offer the best worksite benefits? Or maybe you’re wondering what worksite benefits are.

If you offer a group health insurance policy, you’re likely familiar with worksite benefits, but what does it take to provide the best ones to your group?

That’s what we’re going to look at in this post.

We’ll explore the most common worksite benefits and how to secure them for your group policy.

Let’s jump right in.

What Are Worksite Benefits?

Worksite benefits are the best way to reduce the risks of unexpected accidents, illnesses, or hospital stays. A solid worksite benefits plan offers employees true peace of mind during unforeseen occurrences. Funds from this type of plan can be used for any expenses, not just those related to healthcare costs.

Here are a few coverage options associated with worksite benefits.

Accident insurance.

Accident insurance provides coverage for any expenses related to accidents. The plan designs include a pre-determined fee schedule reimburses incurred treatments and services following an accident. In the event of an accident or incurred cost, payments are paid out to the policyholder. Covered expenses include urgent care visits, physical therapy, air and ground ambulance services, diagnostic exams, x-rays, and more.

Critical illnesses.

Some worksite benefits also offer coverage for eligible diagnoses. When an employee or covered family member is diagnosed with a severe illness like cancer, stroke, or heart attack, the money from worksite benefits can be used to cover lost wages, incurred medical costs, and more.

Employees enrolling for worksite benefits can choose a lump sum benefit amount in increments of $5,000 based on their anticipated risk coverage needs. Rates paid will be based on your employee’s age.

Hospital Indemnity

Hospital indemnity plans offer a benefit payment upon initial admission to the hospital and continue paying a daily benefit if an employee is confined to a hospital due to sickness or injury. This is one reason why it’s helpful to offset out-of-pocket medical costs connected with a hospital stay, as well as other expense demands, that can contribute to taking care of lost wages.

Examples of Comprehensive Coverage for Worksite Employees in Houston

We just covered the basics of worksite benefits for group health insurance policies, but let’s dive a bit deeper into how this applies to your employees in Houston. Comprehensive coverage for your employees might also include the following benefits.

Medical Insurance Coverage

In most cases, worksite benefits include comprehensive medical insurance that covers doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription medications, and surgeries. This gives your employees access to essential healthcare services without significant financial burdens.

Dental and Vision Care

Occasionally, dental and vision coverage is available within worksite benefit plans. Employees can keep up with their oral and visual health with routine check-ups, glasses, contact lenses, corrective procedures, and enhances their overall wellbeing.

Mental Health Services

Worksite benefits can also include mental health services offering counselors, psychiatrists, and therapist services. Coverage for mental health treatments that improve the quality of life via managing stress, anxiety, and depression.

Wellness Programs and Preventive Care

Some plans offer wellness programs and incentives encouraging preventative care. This includes discounted gym memberships, annual health screenings, vaccinations, and smoking cessation programs. These proactive measures support employees in maintaining good health and preventing illnesses.

Specialized Treatments and Chronic Condition Management

Comprehensive plans can also include specialized treatments for chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, or heart disease. The goal is to provide coverage for ongoing care and medications to ensure employees can manage these conditions effectively without stress over the high costs of chronic condition management.

Maternity and Family Care

Another option is additional maternity and family care, depending on your group health insurance plan. Worksite benefits can also include prenatal care, childbirth, and postnatal care. Some plans also extend coverage for family planning, pediatric care, adoption assistance, and more.

Alternative Therapies and Wellness initiatives

Certain plans extend coverage for acupuncture, naturopathy, and chiropractic. These options broaden the scope of healthcare available to employees and cater to diverse health needs and preferences.

Customizable Plans for Varied Workforces

Worksite benefits can also be tailored to suit different employee demographics. A great deal of flexibility is allowed in plan design to accommodate diverse employee needs. Plan flexibility is one of the reasons why you should contact an employee benefits specialist to assist you.

The beauty of this for employers is cost-effectiveness. Here’s why worksite benefits can be cost efficient for employers.

Tax Advantages

While taxes and group health insurance are a complicated topic, in general, contributions made to group health insurance premiums are tax deductible. This can also be true for employees. So, the more coverage you offer, the greater the tax advantage can be for your group policy.

Comprehensive Coverage at Lower Costs

There are tons of advantages to worksite benefits for employees. One of which is comprehensive coverage at a lower cost. When tacked onto a group plan, employers enjoy group rates and discounts that aren’t possible with standalone worksite programs/plans.

Enhanced Employee Wellbeing and Retention

Offering comprehensive worksite benefits contributes to employee satisfaction and retention. This combination improves productivity across the board. Keeping employees happy keeps your business growing!

Some other ways that a better worksite benefits package can benefit your business include:

Attracting Top Talent

Quality health benefits are crucial for many employees when considering job offers. Competitive benefits packages, including comprehensive health coverage, help secure and attract top talent. The best of the best want to know they’re taken care of if and when something unfortunate happens.

Reduced Stress

Knowing you’re covered if something unexpected happens is a true stress reliever. Give your employees peace of mind by providing them with quality healthcare.

Healthier Lifestyle Choices

Employees with access to wellness programs and preventative care are more encouraged to adopt healthier lifestyle choices. Comprehensive benefits often include resources for managing stress, promoting exercise, and providing nutritional guidance. In general, this also nurtures a culture of wellness within the organization.

Positive Company Culture

Offering comprehensive health benefits also reflects positively on the company overall. It shows that employers value employees’ health and prioritize their overall well-being. This also creates a company of loyalty and commitment. All of which is beneficial for companies, regardless of their size.

Reduced Turnover Rate

Employees satisfied with their health benefits are less likely to seek other job opportunities, thus reducing turnover rates. This also reduces the cost of training and recruitment, which SHRM tells us costs about 6-9 months of an employee’s salary. Reduce expenses by retaining existing employees.

What Are Voluntary Benefits?

Most employers offer voluntary benefits at work, as well. These are also known as worksite benefits. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, some 90 percent of large and mid-size employers offer medical benefits.

In addition, some 78 percent of companies offer short-term disability insurance to their workers.

These voluntary benefits are helpful for companies and employees who want to maximize their investments in supplementary coverage.

Why Employees Like Voluntary Benefits

First, employees like that employers are subsidizing these benefits to some degree. That’s a huge bonus for individuals who want specific coverage but can’t seem to afford it.

They also like the freedom that comes with voluntary benefits.

Putting the power back in the hands of employees is a huge advantage to voluntary benefits.

Should You Consider Added Worksite Benefits?

In today’s competitive landscape, offering worksite benefits is no longer an option—it’s a necessity. It can even pay dividends when appropriately handled.

Robust health insurance, wellness programs, retirement plans, and more can create an enticing environment in which any employee would feel lucky to be a part.

If you need help determining your company’s best worksite benefits packages, call us. We’d be happy to help you create an attractive benefits package.

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